Dream of the Mystai
Dream of the Mystai
Eclipse Magic and Taboos

Eclipse Magic and Taboos

…you may have heard that eclipses are NOT the best lunations for MANIFESTATION MAGIC. Here’s why.

Eclipses are luminary synchronizations that act as opening and closing doorways of destiny. Often in order to step forward we may be forced to leave something significant behind, and these lunations can show up as the willing or unwilling sacrifices needed to proceed thru the gate leading us towards fate.

The Lunar Nodes are the calculated points along which the Moon’s orbit intersects the ecliptic. Solar eclipses occur when the New Moon is within 18° of either node, and Lunar eclipses occur when the Full Moon is within 18° of either node.

Eclipse season happens every 6 months, yielding at least two solar and two lunar eclipses per year. Approximately every 18-19 months the nodal axis shifts along the zodiac, and every 18-19 years one goes through their nodal return.

Their association with the archetypal Dragon-Serpent swallowing the Sun & Moon in many traditions is rooted in connotations that heed caution. Dramatic reversals, revelations and psychic shifts are all possible which require discernment and patience for unraveling.

☽ ◯ ☾ Eclipse Rituals ☽ ◯ ☾

First of all, if you don’t end up doing any rituals during an eclipse, you are not missing any magical opportunity and it may be necessary to relinquish control and relax instead at this time. Eclipses can be emotionally and physically exhausting. Major changes are taking place across the subtle and physical planes which require rest to integrate.

Secondly, you may have heard that eclipses are NOT the best lunations for MANIFESTATION MAGIC. Things tend to fall apart or not reach their fruition if commenced during the Moon’s alignment with the nodes, since this is when the Moon is least stable.

Here’s why:

The Ascending (or North) Node has the nature of increasing, meaning that when conjunct the fortunes (Jupiter/Venus) it increases their positive qualities, whereas when conjunct the infortunes (Saturn/Mars) it increases their negative qualities. Likewise, the Descending (or South) Node decreases the positive effects of the benefics and the negative effects of the malefics. However, it is generally regarded as even less auspicious if the Moon is conjunct within 12° of the South Node since the Descending Node is interpreted akin to a malefic across various traditions (especially in the Hellenistic, Persian and Jyotish) for its ability to diminish planetary powers.

The Nodes are referred to as the Dragon’s Head (North) and Tail (South). When Luna is on the Nodes and eclipses occur it is said S/he is passing through the Dragon’s lair. The Moon occulting the Sun or being occulted by it while transitioning from one phase to the next, instability and even danger are more than likely present.

Traditionally, eclipses were seen as moments of the usurpation of heads of state with the Sun representing kings and the Moon representing queens but also the masses. Shifts in power, changes in leadership, revolutions, the end of an empire and beginning of the next are commonly tied to the luminaries’ occultations.

Rahu Ketu Yantra

The Indic tradition reiterates divine royal usurpation in the mythos of the Samudra Manthana, a major episode in the Puranic texts that details when the devas (gods) and the asuras (antigods) churned the ocean of milk to extract amrita, the elixir of immortality. While Mohini (the femme fatale avatar of Vishnu) served the amrita to the devas, Svarbhanu (one of the asuras) placed himself in the row of the devas to drink the elixir. Surya (the Sun) and Chandra (the Moon) noticed this and notified Mohini, by which time it was too late and Svarbhanu had already become immortal. Vishnu as Mohini then decapitated Svarbhanu, splitting his body in two with his head being referred to as Rahu and his tail as Ketu.

Within Jyotish astrology, both Rahu (the North Node) and Ketu (the South Node) are regarded as malefic (krura) since they are essentially the enemies of Surya (the Sun) and Chandra (the Moon). Eclipses are seen as moments of revenge when Rahu-Ketu swallows the Sun and Moon, but since Rahu is without his body the luminaries exit through his throat. Rahu-Ketu are also associated with the type of difficulties in life that potentially lead one to a spiritual awakening: Rahu is considered to induce delusion or deception (moha) while Ketu initiates a path toward liberation (moksha). Eclipses can therefore be tied to upheavals or major changes in circumstances that usher in a shift in consciousness or awareness.

Across cultures, the Dragon-Serpent is associated with significant endings and beginnings in an infinite circle of death and rebirth, mirroring the eternal movement of the soul’s continuation through its cyclical transformations.

Lunar eclipses (the occultation of the Full Moon phase — culmination and release) close chapters. Solar eclipses (the occultation of the New Moon phase — renewal and start of a new cycle) usher in the next. While the node the eclipse is occuring on can also further indicate its nature: South Node eclipses are associated with loss or decrease; North Node eclipses are associated with magnification. Changes may not be immediately noticeable but instead are catalyzed by these events.

For all these reasons, it is admonished to avoid practicing manifestation magic or initiating important plans during an eclipse. There ARE rituals, ceremonies and practices associated with eclipses but these do NOT involve manifesting nor initiating due to the heightened volatility of these transits.

Eclipse rituals that center releasing the old, or scrying, divining, self-reflection, and detoxification, cord cutting, banishing, protection, warding magic are most effective. Collecting “Eclipse Water” for malefic or self-defense magic, or casting spells for erratic results are also possibilities that some witches are known to perform.

Esoterically, eclipses have been seen as heightened moments for spiritual practice and ascetics lean into their disciplines during these events. In many Indigenous cultures eclipses are a time for cleansing and relinquishment and likewise their rituals reflect this.

Writing, composing or recording music, chanting or making noise and any other creative rituals are also potent ways to conduct the electrifying energy of an eclipse.

Most importantly, REST if you need to. Honor the needs and limits of your body and spirit.

Whatever you end up doing, trust your process and have faith that what has ended is making room for greater things to come.

Read more: Orphic Spiritual Hygiene For Eclipse Season.

This article was originally published on Medium a couple years ago and was recently to my website. The current edition on Substack includes further edits.

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